Massage Therapy Service
Massage Therapy
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Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy Service
What is Massage Therapy?
Our massage therapists will find the affected muscles involved in a patients injury and relieve spasms and tight muscles through deep tissue and other massage techniques that will vary depending on the needs of the patient. The massage therapists and the chiropractor collaborate to discuss ideal treatment protocols and specific muscles or tissues that may need extra attention.

Regardless of your health condition, chiropractors' services can potentially improve it. Even those in relatively good health can benefit. We put a lot of pressure on our bodies. Regular adjustments can help restore our bodies' balance.
Your spine is designed to protect your spinal cord. Our chiropractors can help you maintain the integrity of your spine, which transmits information from your brain to the rest of your body. The spine is the protective case for one of the most vital parts of your body.
Martinez Chiropractic's chiropractic team is the most experienced team in the industry: Dr. Fred Dietzen, B.Sc. & DC. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our team in Martinez, California. As a team, we are here to help you achieve your health goals.